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Monday, November 18, 2019

US Army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

US Army - Essay Example A) Supporting evidence – The leader’s self confidence and effectiveness positively impacts team performance (Stephen, 2011). B) Explanation – This statement was completely true in the team that I belong too. The leader was instrumental in inspiring the team to achieve a higher level of performance. C) So what? – I firmly believe that if our team leader was not so inspiring and effective the team would not perform so well. Body Paragraph II: Topic sentence - Communication is an extremely important aspect of group work. A) Supporting evidence - â€Å"Communication traits are an individual's verbal and nonverbal behaviors that explain the individual's consistency in message sending and receiving† (Anderson & Martin, 1999). B) Explanation – The article described different ways in which verbal and non verbal communication affects small teams. C) So what? The team that I was a part of created its own nonverbal communication language. Body Paragraph III: Topic sentence - Task and maintenance roles played a big part in the functionality of the team. Tasks roles help get the job done, while maintenance roles provide the oil for the machinery (Srds). ... Verbal and nonverbal communications are important to send and receive messages effectively during conversations. Task and maintenance roles are a way that groups are able to achieve their desire outcome The group that I will describe is a special task force group which I belong too at a former employer. The group was composed of five members. The size of the group was adequate. The purpose of the group was to brainstorm ideas for new products. The group was extremely effective. The first attribute that made the group so successful was the presence of a tremendous team leader. The team leader had superb communication, leadership, and people skills. She made everyone feel that their opinions and input were valuable. All the team members got along well and they supported each others ideas. One of the primary reasons that the group was so effective was due to the fact that the group was able to achieve synergy. Synergy occurs when the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Three cha racteristics that made the team effective were leadership, effective verbal and nonverbal communication, and clearly defined tasks and maintenance roles. The team leader was very flexible and from time to time she let the other members take charge of the group to help them develop their leadership skills. This enabled other team members to develop their leadership skills. Everyone on the team was very responsible, attentive to details, and they delivered their work tasks on a timely manner. Absenteeism among team members to meetings was minimal and rarely would a team member arrive late. Team meetings were held during and after work hours. The meetings after work hours were informal and its purpose was to socialize more than to do actual work. The team

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